About Us

    LightCity Teaching Fellowship, a church in Kubwa, Abuja, in Nigeria.

    We thank God for His abundant grace. May His will and Kingdom prosper greatly.

    We apologize that we don’t have much to say about us.

    What We Hold To And What We Don’t

    We do not hold to any church creed or school of thought or any denomination or great churchman or “man of God”. We hold only to the doctrines, the worldview, the commands and interpretations of Christ, his apostles and prophets as recorded in Scriptures.

    We have no interest at all to align or conform our doctrines or interpretation of Scriptures to any other’s, however ancient or recent, nor to science or the occult. Our concern is to learn, follow and teach what is taught and as it is taught in Scriptures only.

    Scriptures vs. Interpretations And Applications Of Scriptures

    We must differentiate between the scriptures and the interpretation and applications of scriptures. We absolutely believe in the truthfulness of scriptures—if ever there is a doubt about this, we know it will be proven false. We don’t, however, hold such a position with regard to the interpretations and applications of scripture, whether old or new, no matter who taught or practiced them.

    Every interpretation and application of scriptures must be tested to see if they truly agree with scriptures. Any interpretation and/or application of scriptures that does not agree with a careful and proper reading of scriptures which does not ignore or violate context is a fraud and not “scriptural”. No matter how deep or complex or hard, it must, in its parts and as a whole, agree with a careful and proper reading of scriptures which does not ignore or violate context.

    An Illusion We Are Not Under

    All this said, we are not under any illusion that there is no need for pastors and teachers, that we can all study the scriptures for ourselves. The truth is that the scriptures are not easy to understand and so, in God’s wisdom, as Jesus instituted, we must have people who are dedicated to their study and teaching. God is wiser than all. Since God in His Wisdom appointed pastors and teachers in the church, then there is no substitute for them—we need them.

    Nevertheless, however hard or deep a doctrine may be, we must all be able to judge for ourselves whether what is taught is true or not. This is a personal responsibility that too many do not fulfill. God be praised that in our time we have so much access to scriptures. If we believe a lie, what excuse do we have?

    We hope you share this position as well. If you don’t, please consider doing so.

    Thank you.