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Wed, Dec 06, 23.


Main Characters in Amos Prophecy

  1. Yahweh
  2. Yahweh’s people—Israel
  3. The House of David
  4. Edom
  5. The nations that bear Yahweh’s name
  6. The remnant of men

The Conflict of Amos

“You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins.” [Amo 3:2]

Major Events & Turning Points in [Amo 2:4; 9:15] Eschatology

  1. Israel sins
  2. Yahweh punishes her
  3. She refuses to repent
  4. Yahweh punishes her more severely, destroying the kingdom of Israel (northern tribes)and scattering her among the nations
  5. Yahweh restores her to the land but destroys the sinners among her
  6. Yahweh rebuilds Jerusalem and David’s house and they rule over all the earth

Major Events in Amos’ Prophecy

  1. Israel sins – [Amo 2:4; 8:14]
  2. Yahweh punishes Israel in different ways, yet Israel refuses to return – [Amo 4:4-11]
  3. Yahweh will destroy the sinful kingdom of Israel – [Amo 9:8]
  4. The Israelites will go into exile - [Amo 9:9]
  5. Yahweh will sieve and separate the righteous from the wicked among the Israelites in exile among the nations - [Amo 9:9]
  6. Yahweh meets face to face with his people Israel, i.e. he judges his people – [Amo 4:12]
  7. The sinners among his people in exile will be destroyed, they will not return with the righteous - [Amo 9:10]
  8. At the time of the return of Jacob’s house from exile
    1. The Monarchy of David will be restored – [Amo 9:11]
    2. Jerusalem will be rebuilt – [Amo 9:10]
    3. There will be remnants from Edom – [Amo 9:11]
    4. Edom will be ruled by Israel – [Amo 9:11]
    5. Israel will not be the only nation bearing Yahweh’s name at this time. This means that these nations will be in a covenant with Yahweh, because it is by covenant, as a woman in marriage [Isa 4:1], that any people bear the name of Yahweh. And of course, these nations will be worshiping Yahweh – [Amo 9:11]
  9. Edom, the nations bearing Yahweh’s name and the remnant of men will be ruled by the house of David - [Amo 9:11]
  10. At the time of the restoration of Israel there will be a worldwide destruction that will leave only a few men. [Amo 9:11]
    • “remnants of men” implies that a great worldwide destruction has taken place
  11. After this return of Israel from exile, Israel will enjoy security and peace forever as she will never again be uprooted from her land - [Amo 9:15]

Restoration of the living & the Resurrection of the dead in [Amo 2:4; 9:15]

“Seek me and live… Seek Yahweh and live…” [Amo 5:4]

In view of the larger context of God’s word and purposes, the offer of life is an offer of resurrection to the righteous who die in the Lord before the promise has been fulfilled. Therefore, Yahweh’s call to Israel to “Seek me and live… Seek Yahweh and live…” is a promise of resurrection from the dead.

The return of Israel involves resurrection from the dead.

Ignorant of the truth, one may however argue that ‘live’ here is not a reference to resurrection but to Israel as nation. Seek Yahweh so that you will not be destroyed as a nation, so that he may not inflict punishment on you. Seek Yahweh so that you may continue to live and not die.

If this prophecy does not include the resurrection of the dead, then the return of Israel spoken of here concerns only the living and not the dead.

Israel sins [Amo 2:6-12]
Judah sins [Amo 2:4]
Yahweh punishes her several times but she refuses to return
[Amo 4:6-11]
Yahweh destroys the sinful kingdom of Israel [Amo 9:8]
Israel goes into exile among the nations [Amo 9:9]
Judah and house of David punished [Amo 2:4-5]
Yahweh judges all nations since there will only be a remnant of men left in the restored kingdom [Amo 9:12]
Yahweh puts the sinners among his people in exile to death [Amo 9:9-10]
He gathers the remnant of Israel back to Israel [Amo 9:15]
Israel & nations bearing Yahweh’s name—the remnant of men ruled by David’s rebuilt tent [Amo 9:11-12; 9:15]
David’s fallen tent is rebuilt [Amo 9:11-12]
Judah restored [Amo 9:11-12] David’s tent cannot be built if Judah has not been restored.
This judgment and return concerns only the living and not the dead.
Israel in exile [Amo 9:9]