Sun, Sep 17, 23.


  1. The blind and the lame are enemies of the King and will not enter His palace [2Sam 5:8].
  2. Joseph was as diligent as the angel who was sent to deliver the message to Daniel. The angel, despite being resisted by the prince of Persia, did not return to God but waited 21 days till reinforcement came [Dan 10:12-14]. Joseph too when he was sent by his father to locate his brothers persisted in his search for them until he found them, even though he did not find them where they were meant to be [Gen 37:12-17].
    1. The same Joseph did not ignore the sad countenance of the butler and the baker in prison – though it did not concern him – and went ahead to help them [Gen 40].
    2. Joseph also did not stop at interpreting Pharoah’s dreams, but proceeded to give him counsel – though hid counsel was not solicited by Pharoah [Gen 41:25-37].
    3. People today would frown at this kind of behaviour; they mock people who offer unsolicited help, and those who go the extra mile to help others, and do the work they are given.
  3. Women were made to help man. Marriage is an office for them, and God is the job creator. Marriage is work.