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Wed, Dec 06, 23.


The Wrath and Justice of YAHWEH

Micah 1—7

Israel’s Sin and Punishment

Israel’s Restoration and the Messiah

Israel Judging the Nations

Israel Restored

Peace, Zion and the Nations in the Last Days

Main Characters in Micah’s Prophecy

  1. Yahweh
  2. Yahweh’s people
  3. The Messiah [Mic 2:13; 5:1-2]
  4. The nations [Mic 5:8]
  5. The Assyrian [Mic 5]

Cities, Nations and Peoples in Micah’s Prophecy

  1. Judah
  2. Mount Zion
  3. Assyria, the land of Nimrod

The Conflict of Micah’s Prophecy

The conflict of Micah is captured in the closing verse of Micah,

“You will be true to Jacob, and show mercy to Abraham, as you pledged on oath to our fathers in days long ago.” Mic 7:20

  1. Yahweh has a promise to fulfill in spite of Israel’s sins.

Major Events & Turning Points in Micah’s Eschatology

  1. Israel and Judah sin [Mic 2:10; 3:10; 6:16]
  2. They are judged by God, their land made desolate and her people scattered among the nations [Mic 2:10; 3:10; 6:16]
  3. The Messiah is rejected by Israel [Mic 5:1-2]
  4. Israel is abandoned till the Messiah brings back the exiles [Mic 5:3-4]
  5. The Assyrian invades the land of Israel [Mic 5:5-6]
  6. The Messiah delivers his people [Mic 5:5-6]
  7. Yahweh shows wonders as he gathers his people terrifying the nations who go into hiding out of fear [Mic 7:15-17]
  8. Peace will reign in all the earth and all the nations will serve Yahweh [Mic 4:1-4]

Resurrection of the dead in Micah’s Prophecy/Eschatology

  1. “One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gates and go out. Their king will pass through before them, Yahweh at their head.” [Mic 2:12]
  2. The following facts about resurrection are contained in this verse:
    1. The people will be raised from the dead.
    2. The king of Israel, the Messiah, will be the first to be raised from the dead as he is the one who ‘breaks open the way’.
    3. Also, since it is the Messiah who breaks open the way, his resurrection is not only the first but the guarantee that his people will be people resurrected.
    4. Also, since he is going before them, the resurrection of the people and that of the Messiah are will not take place at the same time.
      • By the way, this verse if taken actually and not figuratively, implies that Yahweh, the God of Israel is himself going to be the Messiah of Israel and that he will be the first partaker in the resurrection. This of course implies that he would become a man since only men die.

The Restoration of Israel “You will be true to Jacob, and show mercy to Abraham, as you pledged on oath to our fathers in days long ago.” Micah 1—7

Israel in exile [Mic 5:3]
Israel abandoned [Mic 5:3]
Israel no longer abandoned [Mic 5:3]
Messiah, Israel’s ruler, born in Bethlehem [Mic 5:2]
Israel punished [Mic 2:10; 3:10; 6:16]
Resurrection: Messiah breaks open the way [Mic 2:12]
The Assyrian invades Israel [Mic 5:5-6]
Israel and Judah Sin [Mic 1:5]
7 shepherds and 8 leaders of men raised against the Assyrian [Mic 5:5]
Yahweh enters his holy Temple [Mic 2:20]
Peace and quiet in the earth [Mic 2:20]
Messiah is rejected –he is struck on the cheeks [Mic 5:1]
Messiah saves Israel [Mic 5:5-6]
She who is in labour (Jerusalem?) gives birth [Mic 5:5-6]
Yahweh judges the earth? [Mic 2:10]