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Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).
  1. (The Parable of the Sower)What do the four different grounds on which the Sower sowed seeds represent
    • Soil types
    • Different Religions
    • Different Churches
    • The hearers of the Gospel
  2. (The Parable of the Sower)Who does the Sower represent
    • Cain
    • Jesus
    • Abraham
    • All farmers
  3. (The Parable of the Sower)Who is the enemy of the man who sowed the good seed in the field
    • Cain
    • The devil
    • The Philistines
    • Opposing farmers
  4. (The Parable of the Sower)What was the seed that the Sower sowed on the four different types of ground
    • The word of God
    • The Holy Spirit
    • The Church
    • Israel
  5. (The Parable of the Sower)What does the scattering of the seeds by the Sower represent
    • Planting
    • Going to war
    • Having godly children
    • Preaching the Gospel
  6. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)Who are the servants of the man who sowed the good seed
    • The Angels
    • The demons
    • Farm workers
    • The Sower’s sons
  7. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What were the good seeds that were sown in the field
    • Corn
    • Wheat
    • The Children of Israel
    • The Sons of the Kingdom
  8. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What were the bad weeds that were sowed among the good seeds in the field
    • The sons of the devil, the unrighteous
    • GMO seeds
    • Weeds
    • Rice
  9. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What does the field represent
    • A farm
    • Israel
    • The World
    • The Church
  10. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What does the planting of the good seeds represent
    • Establishing the Israel
    • Establishing the Church
    • Creation of human beings
    • Preaching the Word of God
  11. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What does the planting of the bad seeds by the enemy represent
    • Planting of weeds
    • The creation of bad people by the devil
    • The bringing of the Gentiles into the Church
    • The planting of evil men among the righteous
  12. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What does the separation of wheat and weeds at the time of the harvest represent
    • Separating between the righteous (i.e., the sons of the kingdom) and the unrighteous (i.e., the sons of the evil one)
    • Separating between Israel and the Church
    • Separating between Jews and Gentiles
    • That part of the parable has no meaning
  13. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What does the time of sowing [sowing season] when the man sowed good seed in his field represent
    • The creation of nations
    • The creation of the earth
    • The time to harvest plants
    • The first coming of Jesus Christ when he planted the church
  14. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What does the early stage of growth when bad seeds were sown represent
    • The growth of the church, quite early in her history, when the devil’s children joined the church
    • The time men began to increase on earth
    • The exile of Judah
    • Israel’s rebellion
  15. (The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds)What does the time of the harvest represent
    • The birth of Christ
    • The end of the age
    • The death of Christ
    • The time to harvest plants
  16. (The Parable of Jacos’s reunion with Esau)Who does Jacob represent in the parable
    • God the Father
    • All Shepherds
    • The Church
    • Jesus
  17. (The Parable of Jacos’s reunion with Esau)Who does Esau represent in the parable
    • The nation of Edom
    • God the Father
    • Jesus Christ
    • The Devil
  18. (The Parable of Jacos’s reunion with Esau)Who does Jacob’s family represent in the parable
    • Israel
    • The Church
    • The Gentiles
    • All families on earth
  19. (The Parable of Jacos’s reunion with Esau)Who do Esau’s 400 men represent in the parable
    • The devil’s angels
    • Worldly armies
    • God’s Angels
    • Nothing
  20. (The Parable of Jacos’s reunion with Esau)Who do Jacob’s two camps represent in the parable
    • Israel and Judah
    • Israel and the Gentiles
    • Ephraim and Manasseh
    • The Righteous and the Unrighteous
  21. (The Parable of Jacos’s reunion with Esau)Where do Mahanaim and Peniel represent in the parable
    • Heaven, God’s Camp where Jesus contends for His people with God
    • Any place of prayer
    • Jerusalem
    • Abuja
  22. (The Parable of Jacos’s reunion with Esau)Where does Seir where Esau lived represent in the parable
    • Edom
    • Mount Sinai
    • Anywhere two or three are gathered in God’s name
    • Heaven, the dwelling place of the Father and His heavenly servants
  23. (The Parable of Jacos’s reunion with Esau)Where does Succoth where Jacob settled represent in the parable
    • The land of Israel
    • The land of Judah
    • The earth as a whole
    • The New Jerusalem, Home of Christ, and His people
  24. (The Parable of Jacob’s Marriage to His Wives)Who does Jacob represent in the parable
    • Jesus
    • The Church
    • All husbands
    • God the Father
  25. (The Parable of Jacob’s Marriage to His Wives)Who does Leah represent in the parable
    • Israel
    • Nigerians
    • The Church
    • The Gentiles
  26. (The Parable of Jacob’s Marriage to His Wives)Who does Rachael represent in the parable
    • Younger sisters
    • The Gentiles
    • The Church
    • Israel
  27. (The Parable of Jacob’s Marriage to His Wives)Who does Laban represent in the parable
    • The Angels
    • Jesus Christ
    • God the Father
    • The Devil/deceiver
  28. (The Parable of Jacob’s Marriage to His Wives)Where does the land of Canaan represent in the parable
    • Israel
    • Egypt
    • Heaven
    • Port Harcourt
  29. (The Parable of Jacob’s Marriage to His Wives)Where does the land of Paddan Aram represent in the parable
    • Heaven
    • The Earth
    • The Church
    • The New Jerusalem
  30. (The Parable of Jacob’s Marriage to His Wives)What does each seven years represent in the parable
    • An age
    • One week
    • Seven days
    • Seven hundred years
  31. (The Parable of Jacob and the well of Paddan Aram)Who does Jacob represent in the parable
    • God the Father
    • All Shepherds
    • The Church
    • Jesus
  32. (The Parable of Jacob and the well of Paddan Aram)Who does Rachael represent in the parable
    • Israel
    • All women
    • The Church
    • The New Jerusalem
  33. (The Parable of Jacob and the well of Paddan Aram)Who do Laban’s sheep represent in the parable
    • Israel
    • Sheep
    • The Gentiles
    • Jesus’ People
  34. (The Parable of Jacob and the well of Paddan Aram)Who do the other shepherds represent in the parable
    • The kings of the Nations
    • The spiritual rulers of this age
    • The Pastors of different churches
    • The leaders of other world religions
  35. (The Parable of Jacob and the well of Paddan Aram)Who do the sheep of the other Shepherds represent in the parable
    • Israel
    • The Church
    • All sheep in General
    • Those who don’t belong to Christ
  36. (The Parable of Jacob and the well of Paddan Aram)What does the stone over the mouth of the well represent in the parable
    • The Devil
    • Human struggles
    • The death/grave (Sheol/Hades)
    • Every stone over the mouth of wells
  37. (The Parable of Jacob and the well of Paddan Aram)What does the water in the well represent in the parable
    • Resurrection/Life
    • Refreshment
    • Jesus Christ
    • Prosperity


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Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).

Question,sAnswer(s) & Explanation(s)