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Quiz Rules

Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).
  1. Yahweh created the earth in
    • 100 Days
    • 3 Days
    • 6 Days
    • 60 Days
  2. We serve the GOD who?
    • The GOD who created everything
    • Made only Day and Night
    • Only made the Mountains
    • Formed only the Lands and Seas
  3. Hayah is our ____
    • Uncle
    • Creator
    • Father
    • Giver
  4. God created ____ on Day 6?
    • Animals and Man
    • Fish and Birds
    • The Elements
    • Angels
  5. God did what on Day 7?
    • Threw a Party
    • Rested
    • Started Creating
    • Destroyed His Creation
  6. What did God create first
    • Man and Woman
    • Fish and Birds
    • Day and Night
    • Trees and Plants
  7. In who's Image was Man Made
    • Satan
    • Animals
    • Man
    • God
  8. what did God create on Day 2
    • Woman
    • Sky
    • Fish
    • Light
  9. Why did God create Man
    • To work and keep the Garden
    • To eat all the fruits
    • To play in the Garden
    • To name the Animals
  10. What did Hayah create on Day 3
    • Nothing
    • everything
    • Land
    • Plants
  11. God made all things through
    • Man
    • Angels
    • Jesus
    • He did it Himself
  12. The World was made by [Heb 11:3]
    • The Word of God
    • The wishes of the Angels
    • The great power of Heaven
    • The idea of Men
  13. The New Covenant states
    • I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts
    • I will be their GOD and they will be my People
    • They will all know me from the least to the greatest
    • I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more
  14. Is GOD still creating On the seventh day GOD rested from all the work of creating that he had done [Gen 2:2-3]
    • Yes
    • No
    • He will never stop creating
  15. Yahweh made all ______ for our good
    • Men and Women
    • Animals and Plants
    • Sun, Moon, and Stars
    • All natural things
  16. Are we all GOD’S creation
    • Yes
    • No


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  • Georama

  • Georgia

  • Helvetica

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  • Marvel

  • Merriweather

  • Montserrat

  • Nanum Gothic

  • Roboto

  • Perpetua

  • Poor Story

  • Poppins

  • Sofia

  • Syne

  • Times New Roman

  • Verdana

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Quiz Rules

Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).

Question,sAnswer(s) & Explanation(s)