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Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).
  1. Who was the Father of David
    • Jesse
    • Saul
    • Samuel
    • Jonathan
  2. David was the King of
    • Nigeria
    • Bethel
    • Israel
    • Philistine
  3. Did David truly kill a Lion This Question has two Answers
    • No
    • He only fought with it
    • Yes
    • Yes and a Bear
  4. Which of David's Sons succeeded him as King
    • Solomon
    • Absalom
    • Adonijah
    • Carmel
  5. Was David the Firstborn This Question has two Answers
    • No
    • Yes
    • He was the lastborn
  6. Who anointed David as King A Prophet
    • Jeremiah
    • Isaiah
    • Samuel
    • Saul
  7. Was David a wicked King
    • Yes
    • No
  8. David was anointed by GOD to_______
    • Heal the sick and raise the dead
    • Become very wealthy and great on the Earth
    • Complete the deliverance of Israel from the hand of the Philistines
    • Complete the deliverance of Israel from the hand of the Edomites
  9. Why was David not allowed to build the Temple
    • He was a Man of war
    • His sins were too many
    • His brothers said he wasn’t qualified
    • He was too poor
  10. David was from the tribe of
    • Judah
    • Benjamin
    • Reuben
    • Dan
  11. Who was David’s Great-grandmother
    • Naomi
    • Oprah
    • Mara
    • Ruth
  12. Where did David hide his Parents when he was running away from King Saul
    • The land of Philistine
    • The land of Moab
    • The land of Edom
    • The land of Canaan
  13. David was a Man who was said to_______ This Question has two Answers
    • Please God in his generation
    • Be a Man after GOD’S heart
    • A violent Man
    • A miracle worker
  14. How old was Saul when he became King of Israel
    • 30 Years
    • 40 Years
    • 28 Years
    • 52 Years
  15. Was Saul an obedient King
    • No
    • Yes
  16. Why did God reject Saul [1 Sam 13:13]
    • Saul was a disobedient King
    • Saul was a loser in battle
    • He married too many wives
    • He killed GOD’S Prophets
      • Although King Saul was guilty of this as well, he has already been rejected by GOD because of his many acts of disobedience.
  17. What tribe was king Saul from
    • Judah
    • Benjamin
    • Reuben
    • Dan
  18. How did David enter Saul’s service [1 sam 16:18-21]
    • He played the harp when the evil spirit came on King Saul
    • After he defeated Goliath in battle
    • After he killed a bear and a lion
    • After he and Jonathan became friends
  19. Who refused to show David kindness after he had protected his sheep
    • Nabal
    • King Saul
    • Joab
    • Abner
  20. Who was the Mother of Solomon
    • Abigail
    • Michal
    • Bathsheba
    • She was un-named
  21. Were Jonathan and David friends
    • Yes
    • No
  22. Who did GOD send to tell David he had sinned in the matter of Bathsheba
    • Prophet Samuel
    • Prophet Gad
    • Prophet Jeremiah
    • Prophet Nathan
  23. Who was Uriah’s wife
    • Abigail
    • Michal
    • Bathsheba
    • Dorcas
  24. Where did David flee to hide from Saul
    • Gath, Philistine
    • Moab
    • Amalek
    • Egypt
  25. What was the name of Jonathan’s Son whom David shew kindness
    • Mephibosheth
    • Methuselah
    • Moses
    • Manasseh
  26. The Women sang “Saul has slayed his thousands and David his_______”
    • 2 Million
    • 20 Thousands
    • 10 Thousands
    • 5 Thousands
  27. Why was Saul jealous of David
    • The people honored David more than him
    • God was with David in everything he did
    • David was finer than him
    • Jonathan had promised David the throne of Israel
  28. How old was David when he became king of Israel and How long did he reign
    • 30 Years, 40 Years
    • 23 Years, 38 Years
    • 40 Years, 50 Years
    • 20 Years, 70 Years
  29. Did David lose any battle
    • Yes
    • No
  30. How did David conduct himself when he met with Achish the King of Gath
    • He pretended to be insane in his presence
    • He threw a party in honor of the King
    • He spoke to the King rudely
    • He tried to kill the King
  31. Who killed Goliath
    • Samson
    • David’s mighty Men
    • Saul
    • David
  32. Did Saul order the killing of the GOD’S Prophets
    • Yes
    • No
  33. Did David always enquire of the LORD before he went into battle
    • Yes
    • No
  34. Was David a wise Man
    • No
    • Yes
  35. Was David happy when Saul died
    • Yes
    • No
  36. What did David use to kill Goliath
    • A sword
    • A gun
    • A sling
    • A spear
  37. What was the price for Michal’s dowry and what did David bring
    • 50 foreskins, 100 foreskins
    • 100 foreskins, 200 foreskins
    • 500 foreskins, 500 foreskins
    • 200 foreskins, 400 foreskins
  38. Who said “Yahweh forbid that I should lay a hand on Yahweh’s anointed”
    • Saul
    • Joshua
    • Caleb
    • David


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Quiz Rules

Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).

Question,sAnswer(s) & Explanation(s)