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Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).
  1. What did queen Vashti do when the king called her
    • She ran to the king to find out what he wanted
    • She refused to come to the king
    • She went on a trip
  2. Was Esther a bad queen
    • Yes
    • No
  3. What tribe was Mordecai from
    • Judah
    • Dan
    • Benjamin
    • Issachar
  4. When the king's order and edict had been proclaimed, many girls were brought to the citadel of Susa and put under the care of_________ [Esther 2:8]
    • Joshua
    • Hegai
    • Samuel
    • Noah
  5. Esther also was taken to the king's palace and entrusted to ______, who had charge of the harem.
    • Jude
    • Mark
    • Margaret
    • Hegai
  6. Was Esther humble, obedient and submissive to Mordecai and Hegai
    • Yes, she was
    • No, she wasn't
  7. Whose advice was it to remove Queen Vashti as queen
    • The king's attendants
    • The king's Butler
    • The king's Baker
    • The king's guards
  8. Who spoke up against what Queen Vashti did
    • Admatha
    • Meres
    • Memucan
    • Tarshish
  9. Did Esther listen to Hegai and Mordecai's advice
    • Only the ones she liked
    • Yes
    • No
  10. Esther was also known as
    • Hadassah
    • Claudia
    • Huldah
    • Deborah
  11. When did Esther reveal her Nationality and Family background to the King The banquet lasted for two days
    • The second night of the banquet she held for the King
    • The first night of the banquet she held for the King
    • The third night of the banquet she held for the King
    • The fifth night of the banquet he held for the King
  12. What did the King do when He could not sleep
    • He forgave Queen Vashti
    • He had a council meeting
    • He asked that the book of record was read to him
    • He went to the gate
  13. What was the name of Haman’s Wife
    • Zeresh
    • Martha
    • Priscilla
    • Dorcas
  14. Were Esther's beauty treatments delayed
    • No
    • Yes
  15. A maiden was only to return to the king if he asked for her by name
    • Yes
    • No
  16. How many days did the king display the splendor and riches of his kingdom
    • 2 Days
    • 140 Days
    • 169 Days
    • 180 Days
  17. ______ and ______, two of the Kings officers who guarded the doorway, became angry and planned to ______ King Xerxes
    • Bigthana and Teresh, Kill
    • Memucan and Marsena, celebrate
    • Tarshish and Meres, Report
    • Carshena and Shethar, Save
  18. What was Mordecai honored by the king for
    • He saved the King’s life
    • He was a good gateman
    • He raised Esther to be a good Girl
    • He was related to Queen Esther
  19. Why was Mordecai elevated to the position of second in command This Question has two Answers
    • He had a past record of saving the King’s life
    • He was a Jew
    • He was related to Queen Esther
    • He lived an honorable life
  20. How many Sons did Haman have
    • 15 Sons
    • 12 Sons
    • 10 Sons
    • 5 Sons
  21. What advise did Haman's advisers and wife give him concerning Mordecai
    • Build a gallows, ask the King for permission to hang Mordecai on it
    • Have a barbecue for Mordecai and all the Jews
    • Make Mordecai his friend
    • Give a good report about Mordecai to the King
  22. How high was the gallows Haman built to hang Mordecai
    • 70 feet high
    • 75 feet high
    • 80 feet high
    • 50 feet high
  23. Who was hung in place of Mordecai
    • Haman
    • King Xerxes
    • Prophet Balaam
    • King Ahab
  24. What punishment was given to anyone who appeared before the King without been called by the King
    • Hard labor
    • Destruction of the person’s land and property
    • Hanging on the gallows
    • Death
  25. Esther and her maids _______ for ____ before going to see the king
    • Fasted, 3 days
    • Sang praises, 7 days
    • Made the sun stand still, 5 days
    • Called down fire from heaven, 2 days
  26. Was the presence of GOD with Esther, Mordecai and the Jews in Persia and Media
    • No
    • Yes


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Quiz Rules

Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).

Question,sAnswer(s) & Explanation(s)