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Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).
  1. Who was the Father of Joseph?
    • John
    • Abraham
    • Jacob
    • Adam
  2. Was Joseph the Firstborn of His Father?
    • No
    • Yes
  3. Was Joseph the Firstborn of His Mother?
    • Yes
    • No
  4. Did Joseph have the Holy Spirit
    • No
    • Yes
  5. Joseph had the Gift of
    • Healing
    • Interpretation of Dreams
    • Walking Miracles
    • Teaching
  6. Which of this couples were Joseph’s Grandparents
    • Moses and Zipporah
    • Mary and Joseph
    • David and Bathsheba
    • Isaac and Rebecca
  7. Joseph was sold into slavery by
    • His Brothers
    • His Father
    • His Mother
    • Other People
  8. In what year was Joseph released from prison
    • 4th Year
    • 2nd Year
    • 1st Year
    • 3rd Year
  9. What did Jacob say when his Sons showed him the ornamented robe They returned the robe stained with blood
    • Joseph ran away
    • They sold him to slavery
    • A wild Animal as devoured Him
    • He dead a peaceful death
  10. What was the name of Joseph's Grandmother
    • Racheal
    • Leah
    • Rebecca
    • Sarah
  11. What was the name of Joseph's Great-grandmother
    • Sarah
    • Racheal
    • Leah
    • Rebecca
  12. Which of Joseph's Brothers left the field before he was sold He is one of the Oldest
    • Simeon
    • Dan
    • Reuben
    • Levi
  13. Joseph became the second in command in what Land
    • Egypt
    • Canaan
    • Israel
    • Edom
  14. What was the name of Joseph's Sister
    • He had no sister
    • Abigail
    • Deborah
    • Dinah
  15. What was the name of Joseph's Younger Brother
    • Issachar
    • Judah
    • Benjamin
    • Asher
  16. How many Wives did Joseph’s Father have Jacob
    • 20
    • 2
    • 81
    • 4
      • Jacob’s wives gave their Maidservants to Jacob to Wife [Gen 30:3-4, 30:9, 37:2].
  17. Which of these women were wives of Jacob
    • Elisabeth and Mary
    • Rachel and Bilhah
    • Ruth and Naomi
    • Leah and Zilpah
  18. Which of Joseph’s brother said "Don't shed any blood. Throw him into this cistern here in the desert, but don't lay a hand on him." The Son who had offended his Father (Jacob)
    • Issachar
    • Judah
    • Reuben
    • Levi
  19. Which of Joseph’s brother said "What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood? Come, let's sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood." Jacob’s fourth Son
    • Gad
    • Naphtali
    • Benjamin
    • Judah
  20. What was the name Pharoah gave to Joseph in Egypt
    • Zachariah
    • Zerah
    • Zaphenath-paneah
    • Asaph
  21. Who was Joseph’s first master in Egypt
    • Pharoah
    • Potiphar
    • Potiphera
    • Paul
  22. Why was Joseph put in prison
    • He was falsely accused by Potiphar’s Wife
    • He used to sleep too much
    • He used to steal money from his master money anytime he was sent on an errand
    • He was always fighting with the other servants
  23. What were the names of Joseph’s Sons
    • Ephraim and Manasseh
    • Esau and Jacob
    • Moses and Aaron
    • James and John
  24. Where were Joseph’s Sons born to him
    • Babylon
    • Shechem
    • Canaan
    • Egypt
  25. What did Joseph request the Israelites to do with his bones when they leave Egypt
    • Leave them in Egypt
    • Take them and bury them in the Promise Land
    • Throw them in the Red Sea
    • Bury them with his Fathers
  26. Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him [Gen 37:5]
    • He brought their Father a bad report about them
    • He was disrespectful to them
    • Their Father loved him more than any of them
    • Due of his dreams
  27. Why did Israel love Joseph more than his other Sons
    • He had been born to him in old age
    • He was the youngest
    • He was the finest
    • He was the Son of Rachel
  28. Where did Joseph find his brothers
    • Dothan
    • Jericho
    • Bethlehem
    • Kidron Valley
  29. Was GOD with Joseph in Potiphar’s house
    • Yes
    • No
  30. Joseph interpreted the dreams of the Kings ______ and ______
    • Chief Cup bearer and Chief Baker
    • Cup bearer and Baker
    • Cobbler and Housekeeper
    • Tent Maker and the Chief Guard
  31. How old was Joseph when he entered Pharoah’s service
    • 52 Years
    • 78 Years
    • 969 Years
    • 30 Years
  32. How many Sons were born to Israel Jacob is also known as Israel
    • 13
    • 10
    • 12
    • 11
  33. Did Joseph recognize his brothers when they came to buy grain in Egypt
    • Yes
    • No
  34. What land did Pharoah give to Israel and his family when they moved to Egypt
    • Goshen
    • Moab
    • Philistia
    • Eden
  35. What did Jacob see that revived his spirit
    • Potiphar’s house
    • The carts Joseph sent bring to Egypt
    • Joseph’s silver cup inside the sack of grain
    • The wealth and splendor of Egypt
  36. Rachel was a________ Gen 29:9: "While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep”
    • Farmer
    • Tailor
    • Warrior
    • Shepherdess


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Welcome to lightCity Bible Quiz.

This quiz is designed to help us measure and improve our growth of God’s Word.

Here are some things to know about the quiz:
  1. A Question can have multiple Answers (All Answers could be correct).
    1. If only one or two(in the case of more than two correct options) correct Answer is selected, the Question will be passed as failed.
  2. When an option(s) is selected, it is colored Yellow, at this point your Answer has not been comfirmed yet, you will need to click the confirm button at the bottom right of your screen to confirm your selection.
    1. Once the confirm button is clicked, your Anwser is locked, it cannot be undone.
    2. But before clicking the comfirm button, when the option(s) selected is still colored Yellow, you can un-select option(s) selected and select another option(s).
  3. If you do not know the Answer to a Question and do not wish to select any option(s), you can click the confirm button to show the right Answer.
    1. Please note that the Question will be passed as failed.
  4. Hints to Questions and Explanations to Answers are provided for some Questions.
    1. For Hints that are Scriptural references, click on the Scriptural reference to show the verse.
  5. You can change your settings such as Theme, Font and Music ON/OFF by clicking ⚙ icon at the top of your screen.
  6. As you may have seen, there are two categories. CHILDREN and ADULTS categories, please feel free to choose any, as no knowlegde is a waste.
  7. You can review the Quiz after the Quiz has been completed by clicking the review button (it is very easy to see).
    1. The Quiz Review shows you the Questions and their Right Answer(s) and Explanations (for options that have one).

Question,sAnswer(s) & Explanation(s)