Latest Summaries

    Teaching Summary

    This is our Meeting Days summary page. Where the teaching(s) are summarized for us to review and remember the key points.

    We hope our writings will help in your hunger for God's truth as you study.

    Latest Summaries

    Sun, Sep 01, 24.

    Judges 11 - 18

    The king of Ammon lied to Jephthah that the Ammonites owned the land, but Jephthah corrected him, telling him that the Amorites owned the land and were dispossessed of it by Israel, at God’s command [Jdg 11:12-27].

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    category: Year-2024   Judges  

    Wed, Aug 28, 24.

    Gilead and the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh - Judges 12.4

    The Ephraimites accused the Gileadites of being renegade tribes of Joseph [Jdg 12:4].

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    category: Year-2024   Judges  

    Wed, Aug 21, 24.

    Judges 6 - 8

    Hyperbolic language is used in the scriptures, as seen with the telling of the number of the Midianites. They obviously were not “without number” [Jdg 6:5].

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    category: Year-2024   Judges  

    Sun, Aug 11, 24.

    Judges 3 & 4

    Every generation of God’s people must be tested. This is one of the themes of the book of Judges. No matter how hard a generation tries, God will leave some struggles for them [Jdg 3:1-2].

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    category: Year-2024   Judges  

    Wed, Sep 20, 23.

    Psalm 149

    We will sing a new song at the resurrection. Playing the tambourine and harp in church is prophesying of the resurrection [Psa 149:3].

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    category: Year-2023   Psalms  

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